'''B. [wiki:GraspSw STARGRASP Toolkit]''' [[TracNav(GraspContents)]] We intend to change the (dead) links below into manual pages for each of the toolkit C programs, describing their usage. This page summarizes their purpose. 1. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitReceiver grasp_receiver] - This C program is intended to run on the server host which supplied the STARGRASP controller with its DHCP address. The grasp_receiver process is a persistent program that listens on a network socket for log messages from STARGRASP. You should feed the standard output of grasp_receiver into your logging system. For example, to feed log messages to UNIX syslog: {{{ # grasp_receiver 55515 | logger -t grasp }}} 2. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitBoot grasp_boot] - C program. Loads SREC formatted object code into a STARGRASP controller and reboots it. Typically, a file such as "stage2.srec" needs to be loaded into the controller boardsets to enable full functionality. Example: {{{ # grasp_boot stage2.srec }}} 3. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitCmd grasp_cmd] - C program. Sends any command line to the controller. See section III for a list of grasp_cmd syntax supported by the standard stage2 image. Example: {{{ # grasp_cmd reset }}} The above command would cause the controller at IP address to reboot itself into "stage1". 4. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitSave grasp_save] - C program. Retrieves image data from the controller. {{{ # grasp_cmd readout # grasp_save /tmp/save.fits }}} 5. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitSaveOta grasp_save_ota] - Variant of grasp_save with additional support for OTA CCDs. 6. [wiki:GraspSwToolkitPonOta grasp_pon_ota] - Safely (re)applies voltages to OTA device(s) {{{ # grasp_pon_ota -a *.fits }}} The above command would look at all FITS images (or stripped FITS header units) in the current directory, and automatically contact the controller and restore the voltages, timing patterns, and cell select status used to obtain that FITS image.