'''[wiki:GraspSwToolkit grasp_save_ota]''' [[TracNav(GraspContents)]] This is a special version of grasp_save which creates FITS files with a bit more than the minimal contents generated by grasp_save. For a specific application, it may be necessary to augment the FITS files with other tools later, or generate an enhanced version of grasp_save. In the latter case, grasp_save_ota can serve as an example. The following table summarizes some of the differences: ||'''Feature'''||grasp_save?||grasp_save_ota?|| ||Basic FITS support||yes||yes|| ||Keep or subtract pedestal values ("-3" option)||yes||yes|| ||Automatically generate MEF when multiple amplifiers?||yes||yes|| ||Request pixels on a specific network interface ("-i" option)||no||yes|| ||Sequentially save up to 8 OTA cell rows ("-r" option)||no||yes|| ||WCS Keywords ("-w" option)||no||yes|| Another way to determine if you need grasp_save_ota (or parts of it, incorporated into a grasp_save customized for your detector) is to look at the keywords you want to end up with in the file. Source of some of the FITS keywords: ||'''Keywords'''||'''Source'''|| ||SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS*, BZERO, BSCALE, [N]EXTEND, XTENSION, EXTNAME||grasp_save basic keywords|| ||CONTROLR='STARGRASP', CON*||supplied to grasp_save by controller|| ||PONTIME||supplied to grasp_save by controller|| ||DETTEM||supplied to grasp_save by controller (only meaningful if hw exists.)|| ||CELLMODE||supplied to grasp_save by controller (only meaningful for OTAs)|| ||CLV_*, ADC_*, DAC_*||supplied to grasp_save by controller (describes all timing and volts.)|| ||TSP_*||supplied to grasp_save_ota by controller (internal controller time stamping)|| ||IMAGESWV, DATE, FILENAME, DARKTIME||grasp_save_ota (should also be done by grasp_save, but it isn't right now)|| ||CCDSUM, DETSIZE, DATASEC, BIASSEC, DETSEC, LTV*, LTM*, ATV*, ATM*||grasp_save_ota, Iraf-style region sections|| ||IMNAXIS*, IMTM*, IMNPIX*, CNAXIS*, CNPIX*, CCDBIN*, PRESCAN*, OVRSCAN*||grasp_save_ota, Vista-style regions|| ||CELLGAP*, FPPOS||grasp_save_ota, OTA-specific keywords|| ||WCSNAME*, CTYPE*, CUNIT*, CRVAL*, CRPIX*, CDELT*, CD?_?||grasp_save_ota -w|| ||MJD-OBS, EXPTIME, SHUTSTAT, SHUT*||fsnap_[shutter] postprocessor|| ||INSTRUME, CMMTOBS, OBSTYPE, EXPREQ, ...||fsnap_[instrument] postprocessor|| ||ORIGIN, TELESCOP, AIRMASS, RA/DEC, etc. ||fsnap_[telescope] postprocessor (e.g., fsnap_gpc_otis)||