

Project Support

A. Demo Scripts

The following links are intended to be manual pages for each of the highest level "engineering console" or demo commands. We intend to complete the pages below soon. They will describe the (mostly optional) arguments that each command takes. Arguments are always of the form name="value".

  1. config - A script "sourced" by all of the other scripts. It contains global settings such as the name of the camera and the list of controller boardset(s) that control it.
  2. functions - This script is also "sourced" by the other scripts. It contains functions to launch operations in parallel and wait for them, and a few other utilities.
  3. stage2 - Script that makes sure all boardsets have booted the SREC firmware specified in "config". Other scripts may call "stage2 check" at their start to ensure that stage2 firmware is running.
  4. pon - Script that applies voltages to the detectors.
  5. cal - Script performs internal ADC offset calibration on each channel of the controller.
  6. setup - Set the exposure time and type.
  7. clean - Clean (clear or flush charge) from all detectors.
  8. expose - Operate the shutter (if under control of STARGRASP).
  9. readout - Read an image from the detectors.
  10. save - Save the image to FITS file(s) on disk.